National Book Week 2018

National Book Week Uncategorized

Stories are part of the culture and wealth of our communities. They have the power to teach, inspire, excite, connect and soothe. We see stories come alive as we share them every day on train platforms, in taxis, in church, in class or round a fire at night. We all have stories to tell. This…

Giving heroism a new face


Through her trilogy, Bontle Senne hopes to inspire young black women. “I like the idea of a black girl also kicking butt and breaking down the gender stereotype,” she says. “It is important for young people to see heroes who look like them in mainstream media, role-models who represent their gender and background.” Given African…

Family time at the SABF


From 8 to 10 September 2017, Newtown Precinct will be full to bursting with all things literary. The Fair will have a gift to offer everyone, and the whole family will be able to enjoy the magic that books bring to all of us. Choosing among many experiences not to be missed Bountiful choice is…



Americanah encourages its South African readers to reflect on race, identity and culture, and to think more deeply about the history and geography of their separate and joint existences. Americanah was introduced as a setwork in a number of schools this year. It is a timely novel that has been instrumental in getting readers to…

Kopano Matlwa on Books


Kopano Matlwa gives a brief description of her love affair with books and why she can so easily incorporate it into her daily life.


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